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About us

Dear friends and fans of weapons collecting,

In this manner, we would like to enable those interested in this topic including the general public to look into the history of firearms with the option of visual inspection in the form of high-quality photographs, either for comparison or to determine the originality of other weapons.

Our ambition is to map out the largest possible range of weapons from the beginning of the 20th century, including both world wars, plus the post-war period, so that a comprehensive view of this topic is possible. The period we wish to focus on witnessed perhaps the strongest development of this sector not only in Europe but also overseas. Over time, we would like to create the widest possible content and present as many exhibits as possible.

These are weapons of specific collectors in personal ownership. All weapons are, of course, legally registered with competent authorities under Act 190/2003 Coll. on firearms and ammunition.
Many weapons have historical ambiguities and so we welcome any historical facts, comments or photo documentation, which would allow the most accurate description of individual weapons.

We believe that this site will catch your attention and that it will also be a medium for gaining information for those interested in this subject. We welcome your observations, comments as well as the opportunity to present your collectors’ exhibits on this website.

Weapons Museum

Please be patient, the spectrum of weapons will be constantly expanded.